by Gary Berg-Cross
Disciplined insincerity & confident ignorance are already evident in this spectacle we
call the primary season. Well it’s still
the money primary I guess, but there is a steady effort to test market ideas
for the later campaigns. It’s already evidenced an unhealthy dose of arrogance
to go along with the insincerity & ignorance (not to mention
those flashes & dashes of egoism, conceit, intolerance, sub-surface anger, quarter
truths, & light, gossipy slanders.
I’m thinking of, for
example, of Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s sharp-tongued &
perhaps dimmer-witted comments. These
started at the winter meeting of the free market Club for Growth winter economic
conference in February. It was a good
time to be Palm Beach, but perhaps too comfy an environment for well-reasoned
arguments. I’m already tired of people who want-to-be-in-charge of things
saying “I’m not a scientist” followed by an awkward opinion that back hands
real scientific understanding out of the conversation. In Jeb’s case it was his
opinion about climate change, an important topic for Florida and the rest of
the world. Ok, so you are not a
scientist or an economist but why not get informed? There are advisors.
Perhaps we can be
disappointed but not surprised with the opinion, since he is very much a
politician fitting George Bernard Shaw comment in Major Barbara :
knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points
clearly to a political career.”
But it gets
worse, because Jeb was just starting on the not-being-humble path. More recently
in New Hanpshire he upped the attack as one sees from the headlines:
is one thing to be “not a scientist” (Re climate change.) and another to
attack scientists for their inconvenient evidence, if not a good approximation
of reality. Why are they not to be
believed? Well their explanations are
too complicated – he used the more manipulative work “convoluted” in comments reported by CNN. Then we
have the pithy punch:
the people to say the science is decided on this is really arrogant, to be
honest with you,” ... “It’s this intellectual arrogance that now you can’t have
a conversation about it, even.”
I think that was a swing at President Obama as much as at Science. He’s speaking
up. But it is easy to believe that the
arrogance (perhaps anti-intellectual arrogance in this case) really dwells in
those politically conservative people.
Sure, one can perceive strength as arrogance in fact-based people, who are
right but the not believed. They have a lot to go on. Evidence-based belief comes from the various climate
scientists who actively publish research, 97 percent agree that
humans cause climate change. Further the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change
leveraging research from ~ 800 climate experts across the globe, concludes that it is at least 95 percent likely that
human activities are the main cause of atmospheric and ocean warming since the
1950s. Scientists speak in probabilities, how’s that for arrogance? Well pulling math on you seems arrogant to some, I guess.
think that the more dangerous arrogance is this. It is the acted upon and emotion-centered belief of people who are wrong on the evidence (see above), don’t
like testing evidence (what is the trend for the next decade?) and for one
reason or another can't face this reality and projected reality. This type of arrogance is manifested in Jeb's attack on the evidence based community and is especially true of political leaders who need to comfort the flock.
Unfortunately, this is just an early, primary season example of
the attack on intellect, facts and critical thinking. We are likely to have more as
part of 2015-16 silly season. I know that I will still be upset when I see how many hands get raised this year when the
candidates are asked about their belief/non-belief in evolution. Sort of a
reverse American Exceptionalism demonstration.