I ran across some new atheist posters at the recent Humanlight celebration. What got my attention there was a poster of the Last Supper with Jesus replaced by the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM). I’ve heard there another poster with the disciples replaced by famous freethinkers – sort of like below I guess but structured around a table. I haven’t run into that one yet.
But the experience got me thinking about what might be a list of some of the best posters. You tube has a good start on this and more than one although if you go there you get a warning that the content has been identified by the YouTube community as being potentially offensive or inappropriate!!s just to represent freethinkers in some way, sort of a variation on the fish symbol.

Viewer discretion is advised, as they say.
Below are a few of the ones that grabbed my attention.
One type is is just to represent freethinkers in some way, sort of a variation on the fish symbol.
Another type is with Darwin in it. Side note, Darwin Day Feb 12 is here in less than a month and I hope the DC area has a good celebration.
Darwin gets into many posters, but so does the Last Supper theme. One shows imaginary figures.
As a side note I also like a take on OWS as a Christian assembly.
FSM makes an appearance again in a Sistine chapel creation poster.
I’m sure there are many good ones I’ve missed so perhaps readers will post comments on their favorites.
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