Friday, June 15, 2012

German Bookstores

by Edd Doerr

Michael Naumann has an interesting article on the German book business in The Nation on June 18, "Germany, by the Book". Let me quote from it --

"The largest [German bookstore] chain, Weltbild, has 350 outlets; owned by the Catholic  Church, is currently for sale . . . . another example of the Church's conservative retreat, under a German pope, into religious piety and spiritual escapism."

Note: Germany generously subsidizes all churches. You can evade the church tax, and increasing numbers do, by formally leaving your Catholic or Lutheran church.


Edd.Doerr said...

Oops, misspelled my own name.

Gary Berg-Cross said...

I edited it to Doerr so no one will ever know, unless they read these comments.