Evelyn Trent, wife of M.N. Roy, was a mystery in political circles for a long time. That
mystery was solved for the first time with the publication of this
book by Dr Innaiah Narisetti.
Evelyn Trent, a Stanford University graduate in political science.. From 1917 to 1925 she
collaborated both with M.N.Roy in the physical and intellectual development of the international
communist movement in the Soviet Union, Mexico, and Europe.
In this period she was known as Santi Devi M.N.Roy wrote his Memoirs of his activities in this period, which were serialized in the Indian Radical Humanist
weekly, and were later published as a book in Bombay. But surprisingly he did not
mention her name nor about his life with her. Hence the
mystery remained and even close associates of M N Roy were not aware of
Evelyn Trent.
But things cannot be hidden for long. Muzafar
Ahmed recorded In the history of communist
party of India the role of Evelyn Trent as the founder member of Indian
communist party in exile at Tashkent in 1920.
Earlier In 191? Evelyn Trent travelled with M N Roy to Mexico, they
founded the communist party of Mexico the first toutside soviet union. This brought Roy and Trent to the attention of Lenin, leader of the international communist
movement at the time.
On his invitation both Roys travelled to Soviet Union in 1919 and
there Evelyn taught in the international political school.
She was managing the international journals: Masses, and Imprecor published from (give city name) when Roy was busy travelling .
Dhan Gopal, poet from India and a friend of Jawaharlal Nehru, who was at
Stanford University from 1910 introduced Evelyn to M N Roy.
Evelyn the 8 th child of Mr Lamartine, mining engineer, was
Stanford University from 1910 introduced Evelyn to M N Roy.
Evelyn the 8 th child of Mr Lamartine, mining engineer, was
brilliant student.
Again for reasons not known to the public, M N Roy and Evelyn
in 1970.
Several eminent scholars on political science interviewed Evelyn
through Robert C.North, the political science professor in Stanford
M N Roy was supposed to be a truthful person, but did not tell truth about
his first wife. He married (give first name also) Allen later and lived in India.
Dr Innaiah Narisetti researched the contributions of Evelyn Trent and
gathered several valuable information about her. The Institute of social
sciences at Amsterdam supplied him some of her papers. He also interviewed the
son of Evelyn Trent`s sister namely Mr Diven Merideth in Los Angeles
during 1990s.
We are able to make this available as e-book for the first time.
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