Morning Edition on NPR has been featuring a series called: Losing Our Religion. It's worth listen in. Good for NPR...well the title might be framed a bit with loss, rather than finding something better than religion, but I'll give them good marks for balance within the shows.
Jan 14 they started with The Growth Of The 'Nones' the One-fifth of Americans who say they're socially liberal and aren't looking for an organized religion. It's a topic written about on this blog, but NPR also provided info on their blog- .
Next they covered the topic of my more Young People Are Moving Away From Religion
followed by how Nonbelievers Find Other Ways To Cope with tragedy. - "dealing with trauma and loss often requires forging one's own path."The shows give a clear voice to thoughtful non-belevers such as Mari Bailey who lost her son, Michael - killed by an acquaintance in Phoenix in 2004. She lost not only her son but her faith as well as we read below discussing her feelings during loss.
I became more angry and I
questioned, 'Why do I need to be praying at all? Why is my son dead? And
what kind of God lets a child be shot?' "
1 comment:
Unfortunately the last show in the series, January 18, 2013, was a bit of a letdown. Entitled, "As Social Issues Drive Young From Church, Leaders Try To Keep Them" it featured 2 religious leaders who were interviewed about the trend away fro, religion by youth. They had little substantive to say about their disillusionment with the church as unwelcoming.
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