Saturday, November 28, 2015

George W. Porter's 10 Laws

Posted by Gary Berg-Cross

As part of Aron Porter's Eulogy for his father George W. Porter, co-founder of WASH, he listed the 10 Porter Laws. In the spirit of Martha C. Nussbaum's 

The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy they seem like a bit of a life's wisdom honed down to simple, digestible statements that readers of this blog might enjoy.

  1. At any given moment, 90% of the people in the world are goofing off.
  2. At least half the work accomplished is ultimately undone.
  3. Nobody really knows what the hell is going on.
  4. Assumption is the mother of disaster.
  5. What a person gets and what a person deserves are two different things.
  6. The garbage always needs taking out.
  7. Unusual weather is quite common.
  8. Exaggeration is the body of wit.
  9. There is no simple life; you can only hope for interesting complications.
  10. There is always one more thing.

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