Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Why does Judas get resurrected in "Jesus Christ Superstar"

NBC-TV showed a live production of the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" on Sunday, April 2, 2018, with John Legend as Jesus. I never saw the stage production before, but I heard the album when it came out in the 1970's.

When the Broadway production and the movie came out, there was some controversy about it. Christians thought it was blasphemous. Jews thought it was anti-Semitic. But after reviewing Google, there wasn't any mention of the part of the production that bothered me the most.

I noticed when listening to the album that Judas committed suicide after betraying Jesus. But soon after, Judas reappeared to sing the big show-stopper song "Superstar." When I listened to the album, I assumed I must have just missed something. But on the NBC-TV live version, the same thing happened. Judas committed suicide, overcome with grief and guilt. Then a few minutes later, clad in a sparkly outfit and escorted by women in sparkly minidresses, Judas was back to sing and dance.

What happened?? There was no explanation for Judas's reappearance. It might have been that the writers wanted the final upbeat number to close the show, and the actor playing Judas was the only one who could sing it.

But as a matter of theology and even of plot, it makes no sense. The production doesn't show Jesus's resurrection, ending on his crucifixion. According to Christian dogma, Jesus was resurrected, and every Christian seeing it knows that, even if it isn't shown. (Actually, the original version of the Gospel of Mark doesn't describe the resurrection either; it ends with the empty tomb.)

But why is Judas back? Certainly, the reason for Jesus's death and resurrection is said to be to save everyone from death. But Judas is back before Jesus died in the play, and Jesus never forgives Judas or raises him from death like Lazarus. Judas is back before there is any theological explanation for it.  He doesn't get touched by Jesus or even have a chance to get an explanation for why he is a cog in Jesus's plan.

The Gospel of Matthew has a passage that describes what is sometimes called the "zombie resurrection." At the moment that Jesus dies, "The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people." (Matthew 27:50)  Maybe Judas was raised as a zombie in this event. He was very energetic for a zombie, though.

The song "Superstar" really should have been sung by someone else.  It could have been sung by Peter, the rock of the church and the first pope, who is known in the play only for denying Jesus three times.  They could have even introduced Paul as the one who not only sang the song but actually turned Jesus into the Superstar.  He had more to do with it than perhaps anyone else.

Although the reanimation of Judas bugs me, what bothers me more is that I haven't seen a comment about it from Christians. The current production hasn't gotten any controversy or criticism, even from hard-core right-wing conspiracy theorists.  Don't these Christians know their Gospels?


Anonymous said...

Yes, Christians are bothered by this for sure. We just saw this for the first time and my Mom and husband were very disturbed by Judas seeming to be resurrected. I, on the other hand, assumed Judas was singing from Hell. The on stage dancers all wore the iconic demon color of red in the production I saw. Of course this then makes Hell look like fun when it certainly is not, but this is how I interpreted it all.

Anonymous said...

I have been a fan of JCSS for 50 years since my childhood. I have a Bible-based faith and have, over time, set aside the inconsistencies of the musical production, as to enjoy the unbelievable God, gifted talent of the musicians and the singers, that have performed in countless shows all around the world: Not to mention the musical composition by Andy Webber. I pondered Judas singing superstar after he took his life. Jesus hadn’t died in body yet, however. I believe he loved Jesus, and conquered physical death. Whether or not, that was the intent of the production of Jesus Christ Superstar, that’s how I see it. This rock opera has spawned hundreds of thousands of conversations, healthy arguments and debates around the world. I believe in God, and his divine ability to use all kinds of ways, means, and people to deliver his message. Believe in the father, the son and the Holy Spirit, take them into your heart and your life, you will be forgiven. That’s it!

Anonymous said...

Judas was not the one singing the song. The song was being sung by the actor who played Judas. He was representing the entire ensemble of the actors who drove out into the desert and put on the play.

Anonymous said...

I also can't figure out why these Christians don't know an antichrist when they see one. I guess they fell for it

Anonymous said...

Honestly, I’m disturbed by anyone who takes scriptural teachings literally-but I’m even more disturbed that we’re dissecting the biblical ramifications of an ALW musical.

News flash- Eva Perón never spoke from the balcony of the Casa Rosada either