by Edd Doerr
Following is an email I just received from by my old friends Krystyna Korzibska and Brendan O'Casey.
"Edd: Today's NY Times reports that Kansas Gov Brownback has just signed into law a bill to prevent the state's courts and agencies from basing decisions on foreign legal codes. The law makes no mention of Muslim Sharia law. So could it be aimed at the Vatican's (Holy See's) 1968 formal condemnation of contraception? After all, in 1984 Reagan extended diplomatic recognition to the Holy See (and didn't you testify against that move at congressional hearings and weren't you a plaintiff in the lawsuit that tried to challenge that recognition?) and the Holy enjoys sovereign status at the UN General Assembly, a status which has been fought by Catholics for Choice and many other groups.
"So Kansas should oppose any attempt to enforce the Vatican's position on birth control. But wait, isn't Kansas in the forefront of the campaign to enforce the Vatican's position on abortion? We have trouble getting out heads around what is happening in Kansas. Has the state become schizophrenic? Maybe we should avoid going through Kansas when we drive to California this summer."
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