Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Support Marriage Equality in Maryland

By Hos
The enemies of equality are at it again. This time they are trying to put gay marriage, which has finally been legalized in Maryland, on the ballot. Needless to say, a referendum is not how to decide what rights citizens have; just as in many southern states in the 1930's segregation would have won by a wide margin, enemies of equality typically win when the issue is to be decided by popular vote, which is due to financial and organizational resources of anti-equality religious institution. One of their more heinous ploys has been to drive a wedge between gays and blacks, the two disenfranchised minorities.

In response to this, a group of residents of Maryland have organized to protect the rights of minorities. Marylanders for Marriage Equality need your help. If you are a Maryland resident, please take a quick second to sign their pledge to support marriage equality for all in Maryland.

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